The IAPE Monthly Newsletter

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The IAPE Newsletter is a free email publication that includes evidence-related articles, class listings, helpful tips, and much more.

Newsletter Archive

IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2024 Gun safety – the proper use of wire ti
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2024 What to do with that old counterfeit money?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2024 Transporting evidence with accountability is vital
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2024 How to get started with accreditation from IAPE?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2024 Civilians Running the Property Room
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2024 New to the Property Room? Safety First!
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2024 Ammo – Issuing From Property Room = Risk!
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2024 Drowning In Evidence and The Purging Conundrum.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2023 Tis The Season End of Year Message
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2023 Best Practice When Opening a Sealed Gun Box
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2023 Sealing, Initialing, and Dating Evidence Packaging.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2023 What to do with batteries…
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2023 Suggestions on how to Store guns to save space?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2023 What to do with those cell phones…
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2023 How to store knives and other bladed weapons?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2023 What to do with those cell phones…
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2023 How to store knives and other bladed weapons?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2023 Storing and handling of large items?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2023 Purging – Who’s responsible for approval?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2023 Bodycam footage – evidence or NOT evidence?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2023 Digital evidence system – Why you MUST have one!
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2023 Did we receive everything that is booked into…
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2022 Happy New Year!
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2022 Safety and Environment Concerns.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2022 Rotating personnel through the Property Room.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2022 Staffing issues and property room “Rotation”.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2022 What to do with those backpacks…
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2022 Can we charge to store firearms in the property room?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2022 Show me the money?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2022 What does temperature controlled mean?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2022 Should We Store Reports in Evidence Room?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2022 Inventory – to open or not open?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2022 What is the Best practice for cleaning drying cabinets?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2022 Should you send citizen notices by registered mail?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2021 Wishing you the very best end-of-year message.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2021 What is the Proper Temp. for Biological Evidence?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2021 How to handle wet and bloody evidence?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2021 Catalytic Converters and What to Do With Them?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2021 What to do with heart medication and other pills?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2021 New Chief at Agency – To Audit or Not To Audit?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2021 Obligations To Retain Evidence In Civil Case?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2021 Repackaging Damaged Evidence Packages – Yes or No?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2021 Civilians Running A Property Room?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2021 The Missing Evidence.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2021 Purging of biological evidence.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2021 Barcoding – All or nothing?.


IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2020 Seasons Greeting – End of Year Message.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2020 Using Auction Items for Department. Right or Wrong?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2020 What to do with cash contaminated with meth.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2020 How to deal with stinky stuff.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2020 How to know if you have enough evidence staff.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2020 Transferring evidence by mail to the FBI.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2020 What to do with suicide evidence?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2020 Inventory: what to do with non-labeled items.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2020 COVID-19 – Evidence collection and storage?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2020 COVID-19 – Evidence handling & serving our customers.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2020 Who is IAPE?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2020 To leave sealed or to unseal evidence during inventory?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2019 Performing a Sample Inventory – Manually
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2019 What to do with vape pens?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2019 How to Deal With Your Stinking Evidence
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2019 Should Swabs Be Submitted Separately?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2019 Counterfeit Money – What to do with it?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2019 To Wrap or, not to wrap?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2019 Central Location for Temporary Lockers?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2019 An Evidence Rejection Locker/Station?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2019 Who should correct evidence logging errors?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2019 IAPE Certification and 3rd Party Certification
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2019 How long to hold guns after a suicide is closed?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2019 Rape Kits – When to test and more?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2018 Decontamination logs and the best way to clean.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2018 Destroy or auction guns?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2018 Evidence destruction policies.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2018 Biological hazard liability waiver.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2018 When to release or destroy property?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2018 Barcoding and grouping evidence.
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2018 Old Counterfeit Money – What to do?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2018 Purging the Booze
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2018 Supervisor Training is Now Official
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2018 Marrying Your Evidence…
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2018 Resources for handling of fentanyl
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2018 Being Bonded and Money?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2017 Merry Christmas!
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2017 Investigator accused of stealing prescription drugs
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2017 Handling of Fentanyl
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2017 Proper Drug Room Ventilation & Storage
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2017 OxiClean Cleans Fentanyl spills?
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – July 2017 Inventory & Missing Items
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2017 Stolen Gift Cards – After Adjudication
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2017 Managing Pills
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – April 2017 Administrative Kill
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – March 2017 Auctions
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2017 Vehicle Storage
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2017 Fire Suppression System In Freezer
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – December 2016 Prison Property – Marijuana
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – November 2016 Policies and Procedures
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – October 2016 Security – Access Logs
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – September 2016 Civilianization of Property Room
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – August 2016 Firearm Destructions
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – JULY 2016 Firearms Storage Fees
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – June 2016 Professional Standards
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – May 2016 Records Retention
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – February 2016 DNA Swab Retention
IAPE Monthly Newsletter – January 2016 Property for Safekeeping

IAPE, Inc.
7474 N Figueroa St, Suite 125
Los Angeles, CA 90041

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+1 (800) 449-4273   Mon-Fri 8 am-4:30 pm PST