Evidence Management
Online Course

IAPE Full Online Evidence Management Classes

Property & Evidence Management

(Online Class)

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Property and Evidence Management Class


Online World Class Training

“Best-Practices” For Evidence & Property Room Management

Can’t Travel?

This is a great option for people who are looking to obtain evidence training but are unable to attend a live class due to time limitations and travel costs.


  • A Link is sent to each  student upon receipt of payment.
  • Class Log-Ins are valid for 30 calendar days.
  • Extensions are available with supervisors’ approval.


  • 14 hours of comprehensive instruction
  • Taught by an industry expert

Course Materials

  • Workbook, course outline, example materials and more.
  • 1 Year IAPE Membership
  • 1 Year Evidence Log Access
  • Premiere Digital Evidence Magazine for Law Enforcement
  • IAPE Newsletter –Evidence News & trends, upcoming classes and more
  • Discounts off future Classes
  • Certificate of Attendance


IAPE, Inc.
7474 N Figueroa St, Suite 125
Los Angeles, CA 90041

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+1 (800) 449-4273   Mon-Fri 8 am-4:30 pm PST