Austin Daily Herald,

Austin, MN

An Austin police captain has been convicted of removing prescription narcotics from the department’s evidence room.

A jury convicted Curt Rude late Thursday of felony drug possession and another misdemeanor charge. He was acquitted of a theft charge.

He has been on unpaid leave since the incident two years ago.
Defense attorney Peter Wold says Rude took the two bottles of OxyContin because he planned to investigate the death of a friend who overdosed on the pills.

But prosecutors say he took them for personal reasons, not in an official capacity.

Rude is also a board member with Austin Public Schools. It’s unclear whether the conviction means he will lose his post.

Rude will likely face a fine but no jail time when he’s sentenced Dec. 21.

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International Association for Property and Evidence
“Law Enforcement Serving the Needs of Law Enforcement”