BYLINE: Jim Maurice

Meeker County, MN

2016-01-28_Deputy Charged With Stealing Drugs_01
Deputy Travis Sebring Photo:Meeker County Sheriff’s Office

LITCHFIELD–The Meeker County Sheriff’s Deputy who has been accused of stealing both drugs and toys has been formally charged today (Thursday).

Thirty-three-year-old deputy Travis Sebring of Grove City is facing nine counts against him.

The criminal complaint says the investigation began in late November when the Chief Sheriff’s Deputy says he spotted Sebring digging through the Drug Take Back Box in the main lobby of the Law Enforcement Center in Litchfield. Sheriff Brian Cruze also reviewed video surveillance footage from several dates, where he says Sebring had a “pattern” of going into the box, taking out a plastic tote, carrying the tote to a nearby stairwell out of camera range, and then would return a few minutes later.

The criminal complaint says Sebring has admitted to taking medications for personal use, and says he could have been doing it for as long as a year.

He also admitted to taking toys from a toy drive including: a football, Barbie doll, and Disney bathtub toys. He says he took two garbage bags full of toys on December 19th and gave them to his family. The toys are valued at less than $500.

A search of Sebring’s department issued squad car also recovered prescription pills and bottles.

Sebring has resigned from the Meeker County Sheriff’s Office.

He has been released on his own recognizance.

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