June 30, 201

MILFORD – A former veteran Fairfield Police detective pleaded not guilty Friday to stealing thousands of dollars in heroin and OxyContin pills from the police department.

Stephen Rilling, the 40-year-old son of Norwalk’s Mayor Harry Rilling, whose investigations put dozens of drug dealers behind bars, stood before Superior Court Judge Frank Iannotti this time as a defendant.

He pleaded not guilty to third-degree computer crime, second-degree larceny by defrauding a public community, possession of narcotics, second-degree forgery, tampering with evidence and false entry by an officer or agent of a public community. He then asked for a jury trial.

The judge continued the case to July 18.

Rilling’s lawyer, John R. Gulash, said the defendant has resigned from the police department. Gulash and Rilling declined further comment.

Detective plead not guilty Friday to stealing thousands of dollars in heroin and OxyContin pills from the police department.


Cop pleads not guilty to stealing heroin, pills – Connecticut Post

Police said between June 2016 through February 2017, Rilling signed out more than 225 folds of heroin, more than 800 OxyContin pills and a few packets of cocaine from the department’s evidence room on the false pretext of needing to have the drugs tested and “ultimately converted these narcotics for his personal use, and consumed them as a result of an addiction to said drugs.” “During this period Rilling’s behavior, statements and appearance caused alarm among several bureau members who became concerned that Rilling may be improperly consuming drugs,” police said. After meeting with Rilling, police said the concerned officers checked Rilling’s desk area and discovered several torn open and empty evidence bags on the floor under his desk.