A group of engineers are aiming to use their technology skills to tackle social problems.

MONTGOMERY, AL — (WTVY) A group of engineers are aiming to use their technology skills to tackle social problems. They hope to help end the back log of rape kits in the criminal justice system, by using an app.

The idea is that victims of sexual assault would be able to use the ‘NowtRKit’ app to know exactly where evidence that could put their attacker behind bars is every step of the way.

Samir Panthi is one of 3 creators of the app that is able to track rape kits from the hospital room to laboratories to police and prosecution storage facilities and beyond.

The app is currently being used only in focus groups. but the creators hope the app will eventually be a tool used by law enforcement agencies.

Panthi says there are over 400,000 untested rape kits in the United States, and that the app will help both victims and law enforcement be proactive rather than reactive.

“A victim who is waiting for justice can see that their kit has not even moved or nothing has been done for 6 months to a year… so they can go to knock on the right door to see what needs to be done”.

Panthi says he has met with officials in several cities about using the app in their agencies, including the District Attorney’s office in Montgomery.

The group is also using similar technology to help find victims of human trafficking in Nepal through a facial recognition app. The app is a partnership with the organization MaitiNepal.