Police Department was damaged due to an electrical fire in the evidence room April 1.

April 27, 2018

The Mountainair Police Department was damaged due to an electrical fire in the evidence room April 1.

Since then the department has been operating out of the former town hall part of the building.

The town is waiting for an asbestos test to come back to allow clean up to begin.

“From my own observation, I don’t think they’ll find any asbestos. But I’m no expert,” Mountainair Town Clerk Dennis Fulfer said.

Once the building’s insurance comes back with an amount, the town can make a decision on what to do next.

They have three options, Fulfer said — remodel the old town hall, fix the old building or build a brand-new building for the police department.

The fire broke out in the evidence room, where uniforms, vests, firearms, computers, Toughbook laptops, Tasers and ammunition were being stored.

It burned evidence dating back to 2003 that had not been destroyed when the cases were cleared, but was set to be destroyed per pending court order.