The charges come from an incident at the end of January, when the pair were on duty conducting surveillance in and area when they allegedly ingested the edibles and started to hallucinate, according to CTV News.

May 25, 2018

Two police officers in Canada’s largest city who allegedly ate marijuana edibles while on-duty then called for backup after hallucinating have now been charged with breach of trust and obstruction of justice, officials said Wednesday.

The Toronto Police Service said in a news release officers Vittorio Dominelli, 36, and Jamie Young, 35, “attempted to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice, by destroying or converting to their own use, evidence, contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada.”

The pair were arrested on Tuesday, police said. The charges come from an incident at the end of January, when the pair were on duty conducting surveillance in and area when they allegedly ingested the edibles and started to hallucinate, according to CTV News.

Police sources told CTV News one of the officers got out of a vehicle, climbed a tree and got struck, prompting a call for assistance.

One of the officers felt like he was going to pass out, and was taken to the hospital, while another was said to be “conscious but nauseous,” the police call obtained by GlobalNews revealed.

A female officer responding to the call then slipped on the ice and suffered a “serious head injury,” according to CTV News.

In the days before the incident, authorities had conducted a raid at a marijuana dispensary. Officials believe the marijuana edibles the pair ate came from that dispensary, CBC News reported.

Dominelli has 13 years’ experience with Toronto police, while Young has been with the force for 2 and a half years. Both were from the city’s central 13 division, and have been suspended with pay since Jan. 28, according to The Star.

After the arrest, a video of Dominelli surfaced of him singing near his police car while wearing his uniform.

The two officers are scheduled appear in court again on June 7.


2 Toronto cops accused of eating marijuana edibles charged with destroying evidence | Fox News

Two police officers in Canada’s largest city who allegedly ate marijuana edibles while on-duty then called for backup after hallucinating have now been charged with breach of trust and obstruction of justice, officials said Wednesday.