a lack of leadership, poor training and mishandling of evidence in the county seat’s police department.

January 18, 2019

An eastern Missouri police chief has resigned and an officer has been terminated amid an investigation into theft allegations.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Hillsboro Mayor Joe Phillips says the investigation has left him “disgusted.” The resignation of Hillsboro Police Chief Steve Hutt and termination of the unnamed officer come after city leaders asked the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department to investigate last week.

Hutt could not immediately be reached for comment. Phillips said the allegations surfaced after a few officers filed a grievance outlining their concerns.

Sheriff David Marshak said the criminal investigation into theft allegations was ongoing, but his department has sent an initial report to Phillips outlining several immediate concerns, including a lack of leadership, poor training and mishandling of evidence in the county seat’s police department.

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article224745900.html#storylink=cpy