“I think that the law enforcement, whoever is behind the missing evidence, should be held accountable

April 11, 2019

HOMERVILLE, GA (WALB) – South Georgia residents are speaking out as the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) continues to look into missing evidence from the Homerville Police Department’s evidence room.

The Homerville Police Department and city manager both said they will not comment because the investigation is still open.

WALB was told by the GBI that it was requested to assist in the investigation of missing evidence.

There is no word on what type of evidence was stolen, when it was stolen or who is responsible.

“I think that the law enforcement, whoever is behind the missing evidence, should be held accountable and held to the same standards as regular citizens,” said Mack Wooten, a South Georgia resident.

Wooten said that he is worried that the case related to that evidence might be ruined without it.

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