It is a case of internal theft as the funds would have been kept in a secured area at their headquarters.

May 2 ,2020

Officials say that an internal audit of the Lancaster County Drug Task Force revealed that $150,000 has gone missing.

Task Force officials say the discrepancy was discovered on April 20, 2020 and believe it is a case of internal theft as the funds would have been kept in a secured area at the their headquarters.

According to the Task Force, the stolen funds were seized in drug arrests, not taxpayer money.

In a press conference on Monday, officials announced that they will change the way they handle seized money moving forward. Task Force officials say they plan to store evidence and seized money differently, open a new bank account, conduct annual audits and change who has access to the funds.

Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams says officials have already launched several new initiatives within the Task Force to ensure unit-wide accountability.

The DA’s office is investigating the theft.


Internal audit reveals $150,000 missing from Lancaster County Drug Task Force | WHP

Officials say that an internal audit of the Lancaster County Drug Task Force revealed that $150,000 has gone missing. Task Force officials say the discrepancy was discovered on April 20, 2020 and believe it is a case of internal theft as the funds would have been kept in a secured area at the their headquarters. According to the Task Force, the stolen funds were seized in drug arrests, not taxpayer money.