Nearly 4,000 rape kits went untested for decades

February 7, 2022


A special team of investigators, prosecutors and advocates are helping eliminate a large rape kit backlog in Jefferson County. So far, more than a third of the untested sexual assault kits have now been sent to a state forensics lab. Learn more in the video above.

Their work has helped identify more than 50 serial offenders and 15 suspects are now facing charges.

“For me, that’s very fulfilling to be able to reach back to these survivors, talk to them, and let them know they will not be forgotten,” said Justin Bowlin, a Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) investigator for the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office. “That their case is still there and it is very important and that we are working very hard to bring justice for them.”

The goals of Jefferson County’s SAKI include the following:

  • A thorough inventory of all Sexual Assault kits in the county.
  • The development of a database that will provide easily accessible information to advocates, law enforcement, prosecutors and community partners invested in addressing the needs of victims.
  • Providing advocates to help survivors of Sexual Assault navigate through the criminal justice system.
  • Using a Multidisciplinary Team for Sexual Assault that includes victim advocates, law enforcement, prosecutors, and community partners to provide a victim-centered approach for assessing cases for prosecution and addressing the needs of Sexual Assault survivors.
  • The use of a specially trained, dedicated prosecutor to review Sexual Assault cases.
  • To speak with an advocate about a sexual assault case, contact 205-325-1423 or email 


Rape kit backlog WVTM 13 Investigates

A special team of investigators, prosecutors and advocates are helping eliminate a large rape kit backlog in Jefferson County.