Lubbock Texas employee awarded property and evidence technician of the year

November 13th, 2023

LUBBOCK, Texas – Amanda Evans, an intake and release manager with the Lubbock Police Department was named the Property and Evidence Technician of the Year throughout the entire state of Texas on Tuesday. Evans received this award at the annual Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians conference in San Marcos.

Evans told on Monday her excitement about receiving the award. Evans said she was “in awe when [she] received the award”

Experience is something that plays a role in being considered for the award, Evans said.

Evans said she first started at the Lubbock Police Department 11 years ago doing parking control. She then noticed an opening in the property room and was able to work her way up. Evans has spent six years in the property room and is now an intake and release manager.

Part of her everyday duties include making sure the property that is released and brought in runs in a smooth fashion as well as ensuring everything that is needed is ordered, Evans said.

Evans said her supervisor hinted that she was nominated for the award, but she was still “very shocked” to be named the best property room in the entire state of Texas.

With over 600 people in attendance, the conference included several guest speakers from the Texas Rangers, Department of Public Safety and survivors of tragedies, Evans said.

LPD is extremely proud of Evans and her hard work. This award is a testament to the men and women who work in the department, LPD said.

Evans returned to work on Monday with a new prestigious title and a shiny plaque to display on her wall.