What does our agency have to do to become accredited through IAPE?

Your agency needs to complete IAPE Accreditation Application© which can be found on this page. Once completed your agency will be sent an electronic copy of the IAPE Accreditation Pre-Assessment©, the IAPE Property and Evidence Standards© and other information...

Is IAPE Property and Evidence Room Accreditation© expensive?

The cost of IAPE Property and Evidence Room Accreditation© begins as low as $6,300 plus reasonable travel expenses for one person. Please contact IAPE Property and Evidence Room Accreditation Program Manager© Alexis Grochmal using this form for more...

What are the requirements to become certified?

To become a Certified Property and Evidence Specialist (CPES), you must be a current member, have taken the live 2-day or on line Property and Evidence Management class offered by IAPE, applied and passed the CPES test, and paid the fee for the certification. The...

How do I apply to take the CPES Test?

Once your application and payment are received and processed you will be emailed a website link and log-in information. The entire test process takes place online and is text-based, so there are no internet connection speed...