Mice Tamper With Police Evidence In Marijuana Case

Mice Tamper With Police Evidence In Marijuana Case

KAKE TV, kake.com BYLINE: KAKE News Wichita, KS Wichita Police investigated a case of tampering at an evidence storage facility – but it wasn’t your typical suspect. Yesterday, an evidence clerk at the facility on North Waco noticed at least three packages...
Former Carter County sheriff pleads guilty to federal gun charges

Former Carter County sheriff pleads guilty to federal gun charges

Southeast Missourian, semissourian.com BYLINE: Michelle Friedrich ~ Daily American Republic Link to Article Carter County, MO Tommy Adams Former Carter County, Mo., Sheriff Tommy Adams pleaded guilty Monday in federal court to illegally possessing and selling...

Auditor gives Howard County worst rating

The Columbia Daily Tribune, columbiatribune.com BYLINE: Jodie Jackson Jr. Link to Article Howard County, Fayette, MO Howard County’s finances are in “poor” condition, according to a state audit that flags a variety of money-handling issues and practices that are...
Former Carter County Sheriff to be in court Aug. 12

Former Carter County Sheriff to be in court Aug. 12

Area Wide News, areawidenews.com BYLINE: Linda Greer, Assistant Editor Link to Article Carter County, MO Sheriff Tommy Since his arrest in April, many changes have taken place in former Carter County Sheriff Tommy Adams’ life. Adams was initially charged with...