Certification FAQ

Common Questions Regarding IAPE Certification

What are the requirements to become certified?

To become a Certified Property and Evidence Specialist (CPES), you must be a current member, have taken the live 2-day or on line Property and Evidence Management class offered by IAPE, applied and passed the CPES test, and paid the fee for the certification. The requirements for CCPES are somewhat similar to the CPES. Please refer to the Certification page for more detailed information.

How do I apply to take the CPES Test?

Once your application and payment are received and processed you will be emailed a website link and log-in information. The entire test process takes place online and is text-based, so there are no internet connection speed issues.

IAPE, Inc.
7474 N Figueroa St, Suite 125
Los Angeles, CA 90041

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+1 (800) 449-4273   Mon-Fri 8 am-4:30 pm PST