Class Cancellation Policy

Registration and Cancellation Information

  • Completed registration forms should be submitted prior to the training session.
  • The class must be paid in-full by registration the first day.
  • We accept credit cards, checks, cash or money orders.
  • You may pay online any time before the class.
  • If you pay online within 48 hours of the class, please bring your online payment confirmation for verification.
  • Refunds will be made with 14 days notice. Substitutions may be made at any time.

Hotel / Lodging Disclaimer

  • Food and lodging is the responsibility of each participant.
  • We have secured special hotel discount rates for IAPE training attendees. Hotel information is provided as a courtesy on the class listing page. Most hotels require reservations be made 30 days in advance.
  • Please contact the hotel listed for each individual class for more information.
IAPE Evidence Classes

IAPE, Inc.
7474 N Figueroa St, Suite 125
Los Angeles, CA 90041

Copyright © 1990 - 2024 IAPE™ Incorporated, All rights reserved

+1 (800) 449-4273   Mon-Fri 8 am-4:30 pm PST